Friday, March 09, 2007

Train Tickets and Terrorists

Last night, my friend Rafa and I went to buy tickets for our trip to Seville. We were unable to purchase them last night because people had made reservations but had not paid for them. (I don't understand this ridiculous policy, seriously!!) So, although we could buy tickets to GO to Seville, we had to wait until this morning to see if those people followed through with their purchases of return tickets. Luckily, Rafa was able to buy the tickets this morning.

We were waiting for the metro after our disappointing trip to the train station, when all of a sudden, Rafa grabbed me and yelled, "ciudado!" (be careful). I felt something push the side of my stomach and turned and saw a man with a black and white scarf (very similar to those seen in terrorist videos) covering his face. His hand was pushing my side and the second I turned, we looked in each other's eyes and he . . . realized I WAS NOT HIS FRIEND HE WAS TRYING TO SCARE!!!. He was down on his knees telling me how sorry he was (all in Spanish) and Rafa explained that I was from the US. The guy, correctly, felt like shit! Rafa and I were laughing for the next 20 minutes until we went our separate ways.

I had a much better Spanish class today. Last night, when I was with Rafa, I realized that I was using some of the things I've learned in class this week so I was a bit more calm and opened minded in class.

Well, we leave for Seville in two hours. I'm not going to bring the laptop so I'll be updating things on Monday!!

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