Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Noche de Copas

Instead of being a hermit during the week, I went out last night with some of my classmates. We started at a Belgian bar where Celine, a girl from Belgium, was excited about drinking Belgian beer in a traditional Belgian bar. However, much to her surprise, although not surprising to me, there were no Belgians working or drinking there. Several students from Enforex (my "school") joined us there. It was fun, despite its lack of authenticity. Celine forced me to speak a little French which was difficult because I've successfully overcome my initial problem of saying French words instead of Spanish words. After several beers there, we went searching for a new place. We were handed some fliers for a dance club near by, so we took advantage of the free entrance and one free drink. We danced until 1:20, ten minutes before the last Metro.
Celine Nick

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