Friday, August 31, 2007

living spaces for artists

New York passed a new law giving artists money to pay for rent. I think it will be interesting to see who gets the money, but I think it is a great plan considering the vast amounts of tax breaks New York City has given to banks and corporations to keep their headquarters in the city.,0,2691542.story

hectic summer

Well, its Labor Day Weekend and a slow day at work. I am thinking of getting started with my blog again, for those one or two readers out there. It has been a very busy summer! I spent about five weeks in Europe between the end of May and the start of August. It was a bit hectic going back and forth between the U.S. and Europe every other week for three of the weeks I was overseas. I did get to relax in Rome for a week after the last week of business. I stayed with my friend Ann and her boyfriend Bill. Erik met me in Rome and we had an awesome week of sightseeing, picture taking, and drinking.
I've been very content being in New York for four weeks without major travel interruption (I did go to Chicago for a weekend). My next trip is to the west coast in a couple weeks. Until then, I've got two beach trips planned the next two weekends: this weekend Fire Island, next weekend the Jersey Shore. (above: a view of my favorite building on my walk to work from the subway)