Thursday, March 08, 2007

Per Sara's Request

Madrid 3.7.06 004

Sara asked for three things: Pictures of my hood, my apartment, and cute Spanish boys. Well, once I clean, I can post pictures of my apartment, and I'm still working on capturing (pictures) of cute Spanish boys. But, here are some pictures of my apartment building (above, to the left) and a picture of my plaza, and a view from one of my windows. The building looks a bit . . . hmm, ghetto? But the apartment is really nice.

Madrid 2-18 027Madrid 2-14 001

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay! it's blog about sara day! please boy, your place is far from ghetto....we lived in the rog'! you can opt out of the caliente hombre pics if you bring one back for me :)