Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Hillary, thanks!

So I've got two YouTube videos which have helped me to regain some of the respect I've lost over the last month for Senator Clinton. I think, as we wind down the end of this campaign, that she is going to be doing more and more to bring the Democrats together.

First, on a serious note, she has a new campaign video. The video mirrors her 3 A.M. video which I criticized on my blog. The previous video tried to scare Americans regarding national security and was the culmination of fear mongering among Clinton and her aides regarding Barack Obama. I thought it was a horrible ad on several fronts. First, we've had seven years of fear mongering by Bush and the Republicans regarding national security (aka: vote for me or your children die!!!). Second, I thought it was bad for BOTH Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama: John McCain could have used the same ad against them both! Well, she's listened to many democrats' complaints and used her new ad to attack John McCain:

Bravo Hillary!!

Her second video is an attempt at humor for April Fools Day. I hope she realizes that the "funny" arguments she is making in the video are just as ridiculous as some of her real arguments against Obama. Either way, we need a bit more of this type of humor in the campaign.

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