Friday, February 29, 2008

The Fear Card

In 2004, Bill Clinton had some good advice:

"If one candidate’s trying to scare you and the other one’s trying to get you to think, if one candidate’s appealing to your fears and the other one’s appealing to your hopes, you better vote for the person who wants you to think and hope."

-Bill Clinton, 2004

So true Bill, So true. Oh, Wait:

Here's what the candidate of hope has to say about that:

"We’ve seen these ads before. They’re the kind that play on peoples’ fears to scare up votes.

"Well it won’t work this time. Because the question is not about picking up the phone. The question is – what kind of judgment will you make when you answer? We’ve had a red phone moment. It was the decision to invade Iraq. And Senator Clinton gave the wrong answer. George Bush gave the wrong answer. John McCain gave the wrong answer.

"But I stood up and said that a war in Iraq would cost us thousands of lives and billions of dollars. I said that it would distract us from the real threat we face – and that we should take the fight to al Qaeda in Afghanistan. That’s the judgment I made on the most important foreign policy decision of our generation, and that’s the kind of judgment I’ll show when I answer that phone in the White House as President of the United States – the judgment to keep us safe, to go after our real enemies, and to provide the men and women who wear the uniform of the United States with the equipment they need when we do send them into battle, and the respect and care they have earned when they come home. And I’ll never see the threat of terrorism as a way to scare up votes, because it’s a threat that should rally this country around our common enemies. That’s the judgment we need at 3am. And that’s the judgment that I am running for President to provide." --Barack Obama

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Kickin' it Giuliani style?

This is a little disturbing:

"This is the choice we face: One of us is ready to be commander in chief in a dangerous world,” Mrs. Clinton

So 25 out 36 states picked someone who is not ready to be commander in chief in a dangerous world. Ooooooh Noooooo! What are we to do? Senator Clinton, the world is more dangerous because the U.S. Senate authorized President Bush to start an unnecessary war.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Thank You Wisconsin!!

Thanks Wisconsin for keeping your progressive spirit alive!
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