Friday, May 04, 2007

Back in New York, for a bit

Well, I've been M.I.A. for a month or so. I got back from Madrid the last day of March and have been travelling all month. I was home for about six days when Erik and I went to Oregon. We attended the wedding of Erik's friends on Mt. Hood, which was amazing. After the wedding we headed to Eugene, where Erik went to school. After one night and a day of sightseeing in Eugene, we went back up to Portland and remained there for the rest of the week. I met a lot of Erik's friends and family which was great. I was very impressed with Portland. It is set up so well, has good public transportation options, is clean, and is quite picturesque with the river and the hills.

We came back to New York for one week. After that, Erik went to Amsterdam and Paris with his mother. I had my first U.S. business trip for my new job. I went to San Francisco on Tuesday of last week. I was able to see my good friend Joanna which was great because I hadn't seen her in well over a year. After two days, I headed to L.A. which was weird because the last time I was there, I was 16. It was cool to have a new perspective.

On Friday, I flew to Chicago to spend the weekend with friends. It was the first time I had been back to Chicago since I moved last June. It was great to be back and I used every moment (and soaked up all the hot, sunny weather) to have fun with family and friends. My parents made it down to Chicago on Saturday and I spent Sunday at the Chicago Botanic Gardens in the northern burbs with Mike and Sara.

I got back to New York on Tuesday. This week went so fast! I'm looking forward to spending a New York weekend.

Mom and Me on the Chicago River, in front of the new Trump building


Erik and Me on Mt. Hood


Me at the beach of Santa Monica